Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday July 21, 2006

Nightmares are worse when you live them. Finding Evangeline at the bottom of those stairs just made all my fears unrealized come true. Justthe thought of going on in this world without her, her smile, her laugh and her touch. When we rushed to her upon hearing her scream; I insisted that Todd not touch her, and called 911. This was the longest wait of my life, prison seemed like a picnic compared to seeing her beautiful body crumpled and unmoving. Hope what is that? It seems that like everytime my life just seems to go right crap happens.

Finally she's in emergency, and yes I threatened Manning, and I mean every word, if Evangeline doesn't make it his funneral will be next. I can't believe that one man can cause so much turmoil, and to think I was happy for him and his family that he was saved. Well not happy but relieved. Even though I dislike the man and his hidden agenda's even I had to feel for him paying for a crime he didn't commit.

My instincts were right Manning is an accident waiting to happen every time he comes around, and Evangeline just can't see it. All she sees is her good friend Todd, all I see is a manipulative SOB. That's not my issue right now. Instead of him allowing the doctors to just operate to save her life he insist that she recieve surgery on her eyes. Which I know she would want, but not like this. Evangeline isn't the type of woman that likes decision's made for her. I should know. The kicker is Manning is good, he got the eye doctor to contact Evangeline's family, and the surgery is a go. Now I just have to pray that she survives both and comes out of this nightmare well again.

I'll be honest if she doesn't make it all bets are off Manning is mine, and I'll not stop until he pays for what his actions caused, and no I won't forget that I hold some responsibility. I should have never let Manning get me to go off, and if that one mistake costs me the woman I love, he'll pay. I'll pay more because my life isn't worth damn without her to share it, and that is what I have to deal with in my nightmare. Someone anyone wake me, and tell me this is dream, it has to be.


Blogger dede261 said...

It is alright Cristian. Evangeline knows that you love her and you are trying to understand that she needs her independence. Now as far as Todd no can blame you for that. The fool had the nerve to try and go in the room after he was told not too. You did the right thing. I know you are reaching your boiling point. Your patience is wearing thin. And Man's would be. Just know that we are behind you. And Evangeline loves you. That will make it easier. These are the bumps that lay ahead for you and Evangeline but trust me when i say it will be the best ride of your life.

2:05 PM  
Blogger CV said...

dede261, you think I don't thank the heaven's every day for bringing the angel Evangeline into my life. Thanks for understanding about Manning. And yes what little patience I have is running out. Thanks for the support.


2:10 PM  
Blogger CV said...

Vegalicious, you are right, Evangeline wouldn't want me to reslove my issues with Todd with violence. I'll try to remain calm.


2:37 PM  
Blogger CV said...

KodiMarie I hope you are right about Evangeline. True we've talked, she did build ua a wall around her heart.

Slowly I think she is letting me in, and before the interruption we were so close to becoming so much more. I'll try to keep my cool with Manning but I can't promise.


6:02 PM  

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